
  • Our parish is blessed with a great many ministries and volunteers. Have you heard God's voice prodding you to volunteer or offer your gifts and talents to the Lord? As you scroll through the various ministries listed below pray on how you can serve the Lord.

    Some of these ministries  are collaborative wide while others are church specific. Please call the parish offices to inquire about a particular ministry you wish to join.

    All new ministries must be approved by the Pastor or his designee.

    NOTE: All volunteers must submit to a criminal background check (CORI), sign a Code of Conduct and attend child safety training (VIRTUS).

  • St. Isidore Parish Bible Study Group

    Meets Thursdays in the Lakeville Church Hall. Contact the parish offices to learn how to join at 508-947-0444.

  • Eucharistic Ministry

    Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are active, adult Catholics who wish to serve their fellow parishioners and have a love of the Eucharist. Extraordinary Ministers are ordinary Christians who model Christian living in faith and conduct in their ministry and in their daily lives.

    Ministers of the Word (Lectors)

    Lectors proclaim the Word of God at liturgical celebrations and Prayers of the Faithful. With deep faith and confident voice they announce the good news of salvation to their sisters and brothers in the parish. Lectors read at all weekend masses and holy days. Lector handbooks are provided that contain all the readings for the church year and may be studied at home if desired.

    Altar Servers

    This ministry of service during Mass is inclusively "staffed" by both boys and girls.. Altar servers are scheduled for each of the weekend Masses, and for special celebrations such as Holy Days or the special Evening Prayer Services and Masses during Advent and Lent. In addition, altar servers are often available by request for weddings and funerals. 

    Ushers & Greeters

    Ushers welcome and attend to the needs of the congregation, as well as being responsible for taking up the collection during the liturgy. Ushers are a group of dedicated men and women of all ages who faithfully greet our parishioners as they arrive for Sunday Mass and gather the offertory collection(s) into a large basket to be presented along with the gifts of bread and wine at the Preparation of the Gifts.

    Flower & Environment Committees

    Volunteers in each location who care for and beautify the grounds and church in keeping with the liturgical calendar.

    Music Ministry

    “As sacred song united to the words, music forms an integral part of solemn liturgy.  Yet the function of music is ministerial; it must serve and never dominate.”  This is the premise upon which our liturgical music programs are based.  The collaborative is very fortunate to have an active music ministry of all ages who strive to be ministers of faith and prayer.  Our goal is to enhance sung prayer during the liturgy and encourage the community of faithful to worship in song.

    Offertory Counters

    Volunteers who give of their time to tally up the weekly and special collections throughout the year.

    Rosary Makers' Apostolate

    A Middleboro group that meets bi-monthly to hand-craft rosaries. The rosaries are given out to various groups in need of rosaries and to children making their First Holy Communion or Confirmation.

    Respect Life Ministry

    The Respect Life Ministry works towards  the sanctity of all life from conception until natural death. This collaborative committee promotes the Respect for Life through public awareness and events geared toward bringing attention to issues that endanger the concept of a dignified life for all.: "from womb to tomb".

  • Homebound Visiting

    Each week a number of parishioners bring the Eucharist to the home-bound, who cannot by reason of illness, infirmity, or age, get to Mass. Prayers are said, Scriptures are read, the Eucharist is given, bringing healing, strength and a source of unity with Jesus and one's fellow parishioners.Those engaging in this ministry are trained, approved and commissioned by the parish.

    Members of the clergy go out to area nursing homes and celebrate Mass, bring Eucharist and offer Anointing of the Sick.

    Please call the Parish Offices at 508-947-0444 (Middleborough & Rochester) or 508-947-2107 (Lakeville) to arrange for services to the homebound.

    Women's Discussion Group

    Open to all women of the parish. The WDG meets monthly on 4th Thursday of the month. Each month a different topic of faith is discussed

    Knights of Columbus

    the Knights of Columbus are a group of men dedicated to the parish and collaborative in many ways. Many Knights serve as ushers. Membership in the Knights is open to Catholic men who are interested in committing themselves to works of charity, unity and fraternity.

    Boy Scouts

    St. Isidore sponsors Packs and Troops of the Boy Scouts of America.

    Thrift Shop- Middleborough

    The Sacred Heart Thrift Shop, in Middleborough, is a location where members of community and can "recycle" items no longer needed. The Thrift Shop is operational from mid-May through Columbus Day. Each spring the store begins with an empty garage, and by mid-summer it is overflowing with used clothing, appliances, books and toys. Each year as the closing of the Thrift Shop takes place; it has been custom to distribute remaining items to local charities in need. In most recent times these charities have included St. Vincent de Paul Store, and the Taunton State Thrift Shop. Sacred Heart

    "The Church Mouse"
    Thrift Shop- Rochester

    St. Isidore Parish has a year-around thrift shop located at St. Rose of Lima Church in Rochester.  The Church Mouse specializes in vintage and gently used items. They work in concert with the Sacred Heart Thrift Shop. Their open hours are on Saturdays, 9am-1pm. Please only leave donations during the shop's open hours. 

    St. Vincent de Paul Society

    The Saint Vincent de Paul Society is a lay Catholic group of all volunteers. Our goal is to relieve the suffering of those in need in whatever way our resources will allow. We operate a food pantry, co-administer the Feed The Hungry program, and have several other programs that we are working on to help those in need in our community. We are always looking for people to take part in committees doing planning for our fundraising events throughout the year. For more information call 508-947-1717 and leave a message and someone will contact you.

    More info here: St. Vincent de Paul website. 

    SVdP Food Pantry

    The Food Pantry is located in the basement of the Sacred Heart Parish Hall in Middleborough (53 Oak St.). If you are in need please call 508-947-1717.

    More info here... Food Pantry